3-D Printing Services
our services
3-D Printing
SLA 3D printing is a revolutionary technology that allows us to rapidly produce a high resolution plastic part from a 3D CAD model. Most designs go through several design changes before a part is perfected. 3D Printing bridges the gap between design and production, saving our customers time and money.
3-D High Speed Machining
With a direct network link between all design and machining our customers’ 3D designs are directly CNC Machined in Aluminum, Steel or Graphite to produce mold cavities. With feed rates of more than 100 in/min along with spindle speeds of 30,000 RPM, very complex shapes can be machined very accurately and rapidly.
What Applications does 3-D Printing have for your business?
Contact Us For A Quote
Head Office
1425 Liberty Street
Meadville, PA 16335
Call Us
Phone: (814) 724-4704
Fax: (814) 337-1274
www.microtool-plastic.commicro@microtool-plastic.com |